Price: Determined individually depending on the size of the group
Duration: 2 days
Who can take part?
The training can be attended by a person with completed pistol and rifle training (at Perun Tac, or another company upon presentation of a certificate), or by people from military and law enforcement services .
Weapons and equipment rental is possible after prior contact.
What do you need?
-center fire pistol and rifle;
-100 pistol rounds;
-200 rifle rounds;
-eyes and hearing protection;
-belt with holster and pouchs;
-tactical vest;
Training devoted to combat tactics in an urban environment, both inside and outside buildings.
The training is divided into the theoretical part carried out in the classroom and the practical part carried out in a kill house (a professional facility for indoor shooting).
Classes are conducted by former operators of special forces and anti-terrorist units.
Training topics:
Principles of safe weapon handling in CQB conditions;
Natural human behavior under stressful conditions;
Danger and safe zones;
Points of domination:
Types of rooms;
Methods of entry;
Operating in two mans team;
Operating in assault teams;
Team communication;
Responsibility and sectors;
Assault planing;
Ways of approaching buildings;
Moving through staircase and corridors.